Behind the scenes of video production or video shooting, Film grain, selective focus, special

The adult industry has always been considered a high-risk business due to various reasons. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that it is still one of the most lucrative and big-money businesses. The porn industry has been growing by leaps and bounds over the years with various verticals in the industry. The adult industry can be considered to be one of the most accepting and adaptive in nature businesses in the current times. For instance, as brick and mortar strip clubs saw a decline, we saw the rise of online strip clubs or camming sites taking up the challenge. So, it’s safe to say that the adult industry is far far away from an end and there is still so much that you can do.

Today in this article, I’m gonna take you through some valuable tips on how to start a porn production company of your own. We won’t go in-depth as to how to start a porn studio as that’s a topic for another day, we will just discuss some important aspects of starting a porn company that you need to be aware of before starting your own production house. So let’s get right into it.

Tips on how to start a porn company

#1 Set the expectations right with the models

Porn is a very lucrative business as it makes you good money in a short time. Models who apply for being pornstars are, more often than not, aloof to what it takes to be a porn model. They just see the money and jump right into it without thinking of the consequences. So, as a porn production company, the onus is on you to inform them of what you expect of them in your business.

Right from what sexual positions they would have to act to the sex toys that’ll be used, putting everything out on the table is a safe and ethical practice before hiring models for shoots. Some models wouldn’t know how the payment structure would work whereas some wouldn’t know what safety and hygiene practices are followed on the shoots. You need to set the expectations right of what you want them to do and how you will be using their videos. Tell them about the risks and benefits involved in the business. Some models might back out, while some may request time to mull over it, but it’s always better to set the expectations clear at the start rather than things turning ugly later.

#2 Give the respect your models deserve

Right from the auditions to the production, there shouldn’t be a moment when your models feel cheap or outcasted because of what they do. They deserve all the respect as any other human being. This is a profession, and no model should be made feel cheap for the nature of their work. They are not objects of fantasies, but humans who are doing their job. If they get the respect they deserve, your models give their best for your movies which in turn will mean better business for you. Review Performer’s Bill of Rights for guidance.

#3 Give them ample breaks between shoots

Let’s be honest, porn is a difficult job and takes out a lot of energy to do it right. There are instances of shooting gang-bang scenes with 15-20 men pounding on a model which can be really exhausting for the model. As a porn studio, give them ample time to recover and be ready for the next one. I have seen models being pushed to do scenes with a break of just 5 minutes between scenes which is just inhuman. 

You cannot endanger your model’s health just to make quick money. If you want your models to give their best and be their best in shoots, give them time to recuperate. These small statements of understanding go a long way in building trust and faith between the models and the production house.

#4 Help train new models

Not every model you hire will be a trained or experienced professional. Every model experienced or not started as a nobody in this business. With the help of porn production companies, models learn the tactics of this business and then go on to become leading pornstars.

It can get really overwhelming for a new model to jump into making porn videos without an understanding of what and how to act in situations that demand them to enact a role. Here is where you as a production house owner should give them ample training in role-playing and what you expect them to do. Give them a few tries, a few retakes won’t matter much in the long run.

#5 Give models a cool-off time

The porn business isn’t easy and few models realize it after finishing their first movie or shoot. I understand that you have spent time and money on the shoot and if the model requests not to air the porn, that means some loss for you as a production house. This is why a cool-off period is an ethical practice that you should implement in your company. 

A 5-day cool-off period for first-time models is a good practice to follow, this gives the models ample time to rethink and evaluate their choices. If all goes well, you publish the porn, if not then you at least earn the respect of the model.

#6 Pay them fairly


I have seen production houses treating models like slaves and paying them peanuts in comparison to the earnings they make from their videos. The reason they give is, that it’s just sex and any model can do it. This is just plain wrong. Every profession deserves fair pay and the porn business is no different.

Be it a male or a female performer, depending on the time, efforts, and dedication they should be paid their fair share. It’s actually them who make your porn famous, not your camera, not your props, it’s the models.

#7 Stay away from unethical business practices

No matter how alluring and big money you can make, things like child porn and forced sex are just wrong. Not only are such things banned and punishable by the laws, but it’s also just unethical to make money on the misery of others. As a production company, the onus is on you to not allow any such kind of practices and keep your business clean. This way not only do you stay away from the law enforcing agencies but also garner respect from your models and the industry.

#8 Use top-notch equipment

Anybody with a camera and a room can shoot porn videos and make money from it. But if you’re a production house and want people to know and follow your videos, then it is absolutely mandatory to invest heavily in the best equipment possible. 

A well-lit room with a quality camera can be the difference between hand-shot amateur porn and porn from production houses. Be it a high-quality tripod or the props you need for your video, make sure to get the best you can in your budget. These investments would be fruitful for you in the long run and make you stand out from the crowd.

DSLR Camera Operator
DSLR Camera Operator

So, these were a few tips that I thought you should know if you’re planning to start your own porn production company. These are small things that if done correctly can surely earn you respect and help you in running a porn business successfully. Remember, several companies make porn, what different can you do to stand apart from the race. 

I hope I have covered all the useful tips on how to start a porn production company. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment below. I wish you all the success in your endeavors. 

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